BGP and BGP4+ Commands
match as-path (Route Map)
Use this command to add an autonomous system (AS) path match clause to a route map entry. Specify the AS path attribute value or values to match by specifying the name of an AS path access list. To create the AS path access list, enter Global Configuration mode and use the ip
A BGP update message matches the route map if its attributes include AS path values that match the AS path access list.
Each entry of a route map can only match against one AS path access list in one AS path match clause. If the route map entry already has an AS path match clause, entering this command replaces that match clause with the new clause.
Note that AS path access lists and route map entries both specify an action of deny or permit. The action in the AS path access list determines whether the route map checks update messages for a given AS path value. The route map action and its set clauses determine what the route map does with update messages that contain that AS path value.
Use the no variant of this command to remove the AS path match clause from a route map entry.
Syntax match
no match
Usage This command is valid for BGP update messages only.
Example To add entry 34 to the route map called myroute, which will discard update messages if they contain the AS path values that are included in myaccesslist, use the commands:
awplus# configure terminal
Related Commands ip
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