BGP and BGP4+ Commands
Related Commands neighbor timers (BGP and BGP4+) show ip bgp neighbors
show ip bgp neighbors keepalive-interval (BGP)
undebug bgp (BGP)
Use this command to disable BGP debugging functions.
Syntax undebug bgp [alldampeningeventsfiltersfsmkeepalivesnhtnsm updates]
undebug all bgp
Parameter | Description |
all | Disable all debugging for BGP. |
dampening | Disable debugging for BGP dampening. |
events | Disable debugging for BGP events. |
filters | Disable debugging for BGP filters. |
fsm | Disable debugging for BGP Finite State Machine (FSM). |
keepalives | Disable debugging for BGP keepalives. |
nht | Disable debugging for BGP NHT (Next Hop Tracking) messages. |
nsm | Disable debugging for NSM messages. |
updates | Disable debugging for BGP updates. |
Mode Privileged Exec and Global Configuration
awplus# undebug bgp events
awplus# undebug bgp nht
awplus# undebug bgp updates
Related Commands debug bgp (BGP)
| Software Reference Supplement for SwitchBlade® x8112, x908, x900 and x610 Series Switches |
AlliedWare PlusTM Operating System - Software Version | 3.251 |