BGP and BGP4+ Introduction
BGP and BGP4+ Aggregate Addresses
CIDR (Classless
You can configure aggregate routes in BGP or BGP4+ either by redistributing an aggregate route into BGP or BGP4+ or by using the BGP and BGP4+ Aggregation feature. An aggregate address is added to the BGP table if at least one entry is in the BGP table.
To create an IPv4 aggregate address in the BGP routing table, use the following command in the Router Configuration mode:
summary addresses only, if the
To create an IPv6 aggregate address in the BGP4+ routing table, use the following command in the Address Family Configuration mode:
How to enable and disable Automatic
When a subnet is redistributed from an IGP to BGP, network routes are added to routing tables. By default, automatic summarization is disabled. To enable automatic network number summarization, use the following command in Router Configuration mode:
To disable automatic network number summarization, use the following command in Router Configuration mode:
| Software Reference Supplement for SwitchBlade® x8112, x908, x900 and x610 Series Switches |
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