Maintaining disk drives
Maintaining disk drives
This section includes the following topics:
●Disk drive compatibility with CMS loads on page 99
●Prerequisites on page 99
●Disk drive configurations on page 100
●Required references on page 101
●Replacing disk drives on page 101
●Adding disk drives (optional) on page 119
Disk drive compatibility with CMS loads
When a new or replacement disk drive is installed in an older system, the CMS load may not be compatible with the disk drive if the CMS configuration files have not been updated. Two configuration files (/olds/disk.conf
If possible, do a CMSADM backup before you add or replace a disk drive. See your CMS software installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting document for this procedure.
Before you attempt to replace defective data (nonboot) disks, try to print the current setup for all ACDs. This information must be readministered after you install replacement disks.
Issue 2.0 June 2004 99