Maintaining disk drives
Required references
You need access to the following documents to do the disk maintenance procedures:
●The CMS software installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting document for your CMS release
●Sun Fire 880 Server Service Manual at the Sun documentation Web site: http://docs.sun.com
Replacing disk drives
The procedures for replacing disk drives is different for the following scenarios:
Replacing a single boot disk - If at least one of the boot disk drives (primary or mirror) is in operation, you can
Replacing data disk drives - When replacing one or more data disk drives, you can
Replacing both boot disks - If both boot disk drives are defective, you must shut down and turn off the system before replacing the disk drives. See Replacing both boot disks on page 108.
After replacing the disk drives, continue with Setting up replacement disk drives on page 112.
Replacing a single boot disk or replacing data disks
If you are replacing a single boot disk or a data disk, you can
To remove and replace a single boot disk or a data disk:
1.Unlock and open the front door.
2.Identify which disk drives must be replaced.
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