Avaya Call Management System Sun Fire V880 Computer Hardware Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting is written for technicians who install and maintain call center applications such as Avaya Call Management System (CMS).
The Sun Fire V880 computer is compatible with CMS R3V11 and later.
Reasons for reissue
Issue 2.0 of this document was changed for the following reasons:
●To add information about the new DAT 72 tape drive.
●To note that CMS R12 does not support X.25 switch links (see Connecting the switch link on page 34).
●To update information that the newer Dual FastEthernet and Dual SCSI card supports hot plug operation (see Maintaining
●To update the tape ordering procedures (see Ordering tapes on page 126).
●To make general wording and format corrections.
Issue 1.1 of this document was changed for the following reasons:
●To add information about the new Dual FastEthernet and Dual SCSI card. This card is replacing the SunSwift card. See the following sections for more information:
-Computer layout on page 24
-Peripheral connectivity on page 29
-Parts list on page 30
-Computer layout on page 51
-PCI card configuration on page 61
●To update the remote console setup procedure (see Setting the remote console modem options on page 41).
Issue 2.0 June 2004 7