Adding a second HSI/P card
Use the following procedure to add a second HSI/P card to a system that is already in operation.
To add a second HSI/P card:
1.Verify that you have a recent CMSADM file system backup before you change card configurations.
2.Log in to the system as root.
3.Enter: cfgadm
This displays the PCI card configuration before you add a card. Recheck the configuration after you have added the card.
/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -i0 -g0
This shuts down the system.
5.Press and release the front panel power switch to turn off the system. Wait for the front panel Power/OK LED to turn off.
6.Turn the key switch to the Forced Off position. See the following figure.
Be sure to turn the key switch to the Forced Off position before handling any internal components. Otherwise, it is possible for a user to restart the system remotely while you are working inside it. The Forced Off position is the only key switch position that prevents an RSC user from restarting the system.
7. Turn off the system monitor.
90 Avaya CMS Sun Fire V880 Computer Hardware Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting