Recovery procedures
kill -9 <pid>
Use this command to kill any SAC processes still running. Process numbers are represented by <pid>.
/usr/lib/saf/sac -t 300
This restarts SAC.
8.Enter: sacadm
Confirm that SAC is running. The system should report the port status as ENABLED.
/cms/install/bin/abcadm -i -b 9600 ttya
The following message should be displayed:
ttya set to incoming port 9600 baud
If this message is not displayed, escalate the problem using the normal channels.
Symptom - The system cannot dial out to report alarms using the Alarm Origination Manager (AOM).
Solution - To correct this problem:
tail /etc/uucp/Devices
The system should display the following:
ACU cua/b - Any Hayes
Direct cua/a - Any Direct
Direct cua/b - Any Direct
2.Check the settings on the remote console modem. For the U.S. Robotics modem, make sure that DIP switches 1 and 8 are down (ON). If these switches are not set correctly, you may still be able to dial in, but it may not dial out.
This restarts AOM. The release number Xxx.x depends on your installation.
Issue 2.0 June 2004 201