User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 4 Managing RME Device Groups Using Group Administration
Using RME Group Administration
Types of RME System-defined Groups
The available RME System Groups are:
• All Devices—Contains all devices in RME. This a dynamic read-only group.
• Normal Devices—Contains all devices that have been successfully contacted by RME or the device
has contacted RME at least once (Inventory polling, successful job completion, Syslog receipt etc.).
This indicates that this is a real device in the network (at one point in time). This a dynamic
read-only group.
• Pre-deployed—Contains all devices that are not reachable by RME. This a dynamic read-only
• Previous selection—Contains devices that are selected in previous RME task in the same session.
This group is provided for your convenience in case you need to do different RME tasks on same set
of devices. This a static read-only group.
• Saved device list—Contains all devices that are saved explicitly by you while generating the
Inventory Reports (Reports > Generator). This group is provided for your convenience in case you
need to do different RME tasks on same set of devices. This a static read-only group.
The Previous selection and Saved device groups are RME-specific groups and must be used only when
you are working on a RME application. You cannot use these device groups when you are working on
another CiscoWorks application. That is, if you are working on the Campus Manager application, these
groups must not be used.
See Understanding the RME Device States for more details to understand how the devices are grouped
based on RME System-defined rules.
Using RME Group Administration
The Group Administration page is where all group management activities take place. To open the Group
Administration page from RME, select Devices > Group Administration.
The RME Group Administration window (Table 4-1) contains these fields:
Ta b l e 4-1 Fields on Group Administration and Configuration Page
Field/Button Description
Group Selector A hierarchical display of all available groups.
Group Info When you select an item from the Group Selector, the Group Info pane displays the following information:
• Group Name—The name of the group you selected.
• Type—The type of objects in the selected group.
• Description—A text description of the group.
• Created By—The person who created the group.
• Last Modified By—The last person to modify the group settings.
Create Starts the Group Creation Wizard for creating a group, as described in the Creating a User-defined Group.
Edit Starts the Group Edit Wizard for editing an existing group, as described in the Editing a User-defined
Details Opens the Properties: Details page, as described in the Viewing Group Details and Viewing Membership