User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1

Setting System-wide Parameters Using System


You can set system-wide parameters for RME, using the RME > Admin > System Preferences tab. Here
you can set parameters for RME, such as log level settings, job purge preferences, device attributes and
device credentials verification settings.
Application Log Level Settings
Job Purge
RME Device Attributes
RME Secondary Credentials
Collection Failure Notification

Application Log Level Settings

You can use this option to set the logging levels for RME packages. You can set the log levels for all
RME packages, or at a package (application) level.
Log files are stored at these locations:
On Windows: NMSROOT/log, where NMSROOT is the CiscoWorks installation directory.
On Solaris: /var/adm/CSCOpx/log
To set the log levels:
Step 1 Select Resource Manager Essentials > Admin > System Preferences > Application Log level
The Set Application Logging Levels dialog box appears.
Step 2 Select the Application from the drop-down list.
Step 3 Select the appropriate log level from the Logging Level drop-down list.
The fields in the Set Application Logging Levels dialog box are: