User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities
Argument Syntax Notes
no arguments cwcli config -u user -p password [-v
If you do not specify arguments, cwcli config
shows command usage (-help)
compare cwcli config compare -u userid -p
password [-d debuglevel] [-m email] [-l
logfile] { -device list | -view name |
-device list -view name |-ipaddress list } {
-version version1 [version2] | -date date1
[date2] }
Specify versions to compare using -version or
-date argument. When specifying a date, use
format mm/dd/yyyy. If you do not specify a date
or a version, the latest two archived
configurations are compared.
compareanddeploy cwcli config compareanddeploy -u userid
-p password [-d debuglevel] [-m email][-l
logfile] {-device list | -view name | -device
list -view name |-ipaddress list }{
-baseline baselinefile }[ -timeout
seconds] [-input argumentFile]
[-primary_user primary user name]
[-primary_pass Base64 encoded primary
password] [-enable_pass Base64 encoded
enable password]
Creates a job that compares the given Baseline
template with the latest version of the
configuration for a device and downloads the
configuration to the device if there is
comparewithbaseline cwcli config comparewithbaseline -u
userid -p password [-d debuglevel] [-m
email][-l logfile] { -device list | -view
name | -device list -view name |-ipaddress
list }{ -baseline baselinefile }[ -timeout
seconds] [-input argumentFile]
Creates a job that compares the given Baseline
template with the latest version of the
configuration for a device. In case of
non-compliance, the non-compliant commands
are displayed.
delete cwcli config delete -u userid -p
password [-d debuglevel] [-m email] [-l
logfile] { -device list | -view name |
-device list -view name |-ipaddress list } {
-version version1 [version2] | -date date1
[date2] }
Deletes the specified device configuration from
the archive. Use -date or -version argument to
specify configurations to delete.
If you specify two dates, all configurations
archived between those dates are deleted.
If you specify two versions, all configurations
between and including the versions are deleted.
cwcli config deploycomplianceresults
-u userid -p password [-d debuglevel] [-m
email][-l logfile] { -substitute datafile }
{-jobid jobID}[ -timeout
seconds][-primary_user primary user
name] [-primary_pass Base64 encoded
primary password] [-enable_pass Base64
encoded enable password]
Creates a job that uses the previously executed
comparewithbaseline job to get the
non-compliance commands and create a job.
It replaces the parameters in the non-compliant
commands with the values from the data file.
The commands are then downloaded to ensure
compliance with the baseline configuration.
export cwcli config export -u userid -p
password [-d debuglevel] [-m email] [-l
logfile] { -device list | -view name |
-device displayName -view name |
-ipaddress list } [-f filename] [-version
number] [-xml] [-input argumentFile]
Retrieves a configuration version for a device
from the archive and writes it to a file. Exported
configurations are named devicename.cfg if -f
argument is not used.