User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities

Port (Cisco_Port)

Port is the logical representation of network communications hardware - a physical connector and the
setup or operation of the network chips, at the lowest layers of a network stack
For example, an Ethernet port on an Ethernet line card uses an instance of Port to represent its
operational and logical properties. A port should be associated with either a LogicalModule or directly
with a ManagedNetworkElement.
It also contains the element IPProtocolEndpoint. The table below describes the other elements in Port.

MemoryPool (Cisco_MemoryPool)

MemoryPool corresponds to entries to monitor entries. Each pool is a range of memory segregated by
type or function. The table below describes the other elements in MemoryPool.
ModuleType Type or model of the module.
InstanceName Name of the logical module.
EnabledStatus Status of the module, that is whether it is up or down.
NumberOfPorts Number of ports in the logical module.
Element Description
Element Description
PortNumber Number assigned to the port. Ports are often numbered relative to either a logical module
or a network element.
PortType Type of the port.
InstanceName Name assigned to the port.
IfInstanceID Index of the interface related to this port.
Element Description
InstanceName Name assigned to the MemoryPool.
PoolType Dynamic type value assigned to a dynamic MemoryPool. This is valid only when the
PoolType attribute has the value Dynamic. MemoryPools can be divided into two groups
Predefined Pools and Dynamic Pools.
For dynamic pools, the PoolType is set to the dynamic value (65536) and the
DynamicPoolType is set to an integer value used to distinguish the various dynamic pool
DynamicPoolType This attribute holds the dynamic type value assigned to a dynamic memory pool. It is
only valid when the PoolType attribute has the value Dynamic (65536).
AlternatePoolType Indicates whether this MemoryPool has an alternate pool configured. Alternate pools
are used for fallback when the current pool runs out of memory.
If the value is set to zero, then this pool does not have an alternate. Otherwise the value
is the same as the value of PoolType of the alternate pool.