User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 5 Understanding RME Device State Transition
States in RME 4.x
If there is no history for the device, tasks registered with Device Management (such as Inventory
Collection or Config Collection) for the device has succeeded in contacting the device.
If Alias detection algorithm either determined this was not an alias of an existing device, or did not
have sufficient information to make this decision, the device goes to the Normal state.
If none of the tasks registered with Device Management were successful in contacting the device,
the device goes to the Pre-deployed state.


The Pre-deployed state occurs:
If any RME task succeeds in contacting the device, the device is moved to Normal state.
If the operator picks the device in Pre-deployed state, and suspends it, the device moves to
Suspended state.
If the operator picks the device in Pre-deployed state and deletes it from RME, the device goes out
of RME.


This is a rare case:
For example if device d1 and d2 are aliases, d1 is added to RME, goes to pre-deployed state. The device
d2 also goes into pre-deployed state. RME does not know that they are aliased. The d1 and d2 devices
are in separate jobs.
When job j1 runs, d1 is contacted and moves to Normal state. RME still does not know that d2 is an alias.
Now, job j2 runs on d2 device, and d2 device is moved to Normal state. Now alias detection should catch
that d1 and d2 are aliases, and should move d2 to Aliased state from Normal state.
If the operator picks the device in Normal state and deletes it from RME, the device goes out of RME
If the operator picks the device in Normal state, and suspends it, the device moves to Suspended state


The Aliased state occurs:
If the user manually re-submits the device for RME management, the device goes to the Pending
If the operator picks the device in Aliased state and deletes it from RME, the device goes out of RME


The Suspended state occurs:
If the operator picks the device in Suspended state and deletes it from RME, the device goes out of
If the user manually re-submits the device for RME management, the device goes to Pending state.


The Conflicting state occurs: