User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 8 Archiving Configurations and Managing Them Using Archive Management
Checking Configuration Archival Status
Step 2 Select one or all of the Config Archival Status and click Sync Archive to schedule an immediate job to
update the archive status.
You can check the status of your scheduled Sync Archive job by selecting Config Mgmt > Archive
Mgmt > Archive Mgmt Jobs.
Configuration Archival Reports
The following are the Config Archival reports:
• Successful Devices Report
• Failed Devices Report
• Partially Successful Devices Report
Successful Devices Report
A device appears in this report if all supported configurations have been fetched successfully.
Note These dates do not necessarily reflect when the archive was last updated.
This report contains the following information:
Failed Number of devices for which fetch of all supported configurations has failed.
Click No.of Devices to see the Failed Devices Report.
Partial Successful Number of devices for which fetch of any one of the supported configurations has failed.
Number of Catalyst 5000 devices for which sub-modules were not pulled into archive. Only the main
configuration of supervisor engine module is archived for Catalyst 5000 devices.
Click No.of Devices to see the Partially Successful Devices Report.
Archival Status Description
Column Names Description
Device Name Device Display Name as entered in Device and Credential Repository.
Click on the device name to launch the Device Center.
Config Type Defines the type of configuration PRIMARY, SECONDARY, or VLAN.
• PRIMARY/SECONDARY—Contains the Running and Startup configuration files information.
• VLAN—Contains running vlan.dat configuration file information. This config type does not
contain Startup configuration file information.
For ONS devices, the PRIMARY configuration type displays the configuration information from
the active CPU, at that instance.
File Type Defines the configuration file type that is either Running or Startup configuration.