User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 14 Enabling and Tracking Syslogs Using Syslog Analyzer and Collector
Defining Automated Actions
Delete a message type (see Deleting a Message Type.)
Select a message type from system-defined message types (see Selecting a Message Type.)
Step 4 Click Next.
Step 5 The Automated Action Type dialog box appears.
This dialog box allows you to change the type of action. For example, you can change from E-mail to
URL or Script.
For E-mail, enter or change the following information in the Automated Action type dialog box:
Configure the SMTP server to send e-mails in the View / Edit System Preferences dialog box
(Common Services > Server > Admin > System Preferences).
We recommend that you configure the CiscoWorks E-mail ID in the View / Edit System Preferences
dialog box (Common Services > Server > Admin > System Preferences). When the job completes,
an e-mail is sent with the CiscoWorks E-mail ID as the sender's address
For URL, enter or change the URL to be invoked, in the Automated Action type dialog box. If you
select URL, enter the URL to be invoked, in the URL to Invoke field of the Automated Action type
dialog box. In the URL, you can use the following parameters:
$D (for the device)
$M (for the complete syslog message).
When the URL is invoked, If you have specified $D or $M, then, $D is substituted with the device
hostname or IP address and $M is substituted with the syslog message.
For example, if the URL is
When invoked, $D is replaced with and $M is replaced with the URL-encoded syslog
If you select Script, enter the script to be used, in the Script to execute field of the Automated Action
type dialog box.
Either enter or select the script file. You can run only shell scripts (*.sh) on Unix and batch files
(*.bat) on Windows. The shell script or batch file should have only write/execute permissions for
casuser:casusers in UNIX and casuser/Administrator in Windows.
The other users should have only read permission. You must ensure that the scripts contained in the
file have permissions to execute from within the casuser account.
The script files must be available at this location:
On Windows:
Field Description
Send to The list of comma separated e-mail addresses.
Subject The subject of the e-mail (optional).
Content The content that you want the e-mail to contain.