User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities
• The mandatory and optional arguments (See cwcli export Global Arguments)
• The default archiving location (See Archiving cwcli export Data in XML File)
On UNIX, you can view the cwcli export man pages by setting the MANPATH to /opt/CSCOpx/man.
The commands to launch the cwcli export man pages are:
• man cwcli-export—To launch the cwcli export command man page.
• man export-changeaudit—To launch the cwcli export changeaudit command man page.
• man export-config—To launch the cwcli export config command man page.
• man export-inventory—To launch the cwcli export inventory command man page.
cwcli export Commands
The following table lists the command part of the cwcli export syntax.
You must invoke the cwcli export command with one of the core commands specified in the above
table. If no core command is specified, cwcli export can execute the -v or -h. arguments only.
Argument -v specifies the version of the cwcli export utility and argument -h (or null argument)
displays the usage information of this tool.
cwcli export Global Arguments
The following describes the mandatory and optional global arguments for cwcli export:
Command Description
cwcli export changeaudit Generates Change Audit log data in XML format.
cwcli export config Generates configlets in XML format
cwcli export inventory Generates Inventory data in XML format.
Global Arguments Description
-u userid Mandatory
Specifies the CiscoWorks username.