User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities
The above command retrieves the inventory report in CSV format. The -file parameter stores the output
in the file specified by filename. If you have not specified the filename, the output is stored at the
following location:
You can:
Use the -reportname argument to generate the report.
This can be the name of:
An already defined custom template
A system report name such as Detailed Device Report.
Use the -input argument to specify a file containing the parameters for the report generation.
Note The -view argument is not allowed in the input file.
Enable debug mode and set the debug level using the -d argument.
E-mail the output to an e-mail recipient using the -m argument.
Log the error messages to a file using the -l argument. The log and the output files are created in
the current directory.
List the existing reports with the -listreports argument.
Running the cwcli invreport Command
To use the cwcli invreport command, you must be able to run the cwcli command
You should be authorized to generate inventory reports.
The command syntax is:
cwcli invreport -u userid -p password [-d debuglevel] [-m email] [-l logfile] {-listreports |
-reportname name {-view viewname | -device list | -ipaddress list} [-file filename] | -input
Arguments in square brackets ([]) are optional; arguments in curly braces ({}) are required. You must
provide one argument from each group of arguments in curly braces ({}) that is separated by vertical
bars (|).
If you do not specify an optional argument, the default value configured for the system is used. Valid
values for arguments are described in the following table:
Argument Description Usage Notes
-u user Provide valid CiscoWorks username. None.
Provide password for username.
You can also specify the password in a file. See
Setting CWCLIFILE Environment Variable for
more details.