User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities
Name cwcli config reload – CiscoWorks cwcli config reload function
Syntax cwcli config reload -u userid -p password [-d debuglevel] [-m email][-l logfile] { -device list | -view
name | -device list -view name|-ipaddress list }[-input argumentFile][-timeout
seconds][-primary_user primary user name] [-primary_pass Base64 encoded primary password]
[-enable_pass Base64 encoded enable password]
cwcli config reload -help
Description reload reboots the device(s), specified by the -device and/or -view argument, resulting in the running
configuration being loaded with its startup configuration. You can specify multiple devices with the
-device argument by separating each device name with a comma.
Name cwcli config run2start – CiscoWorks cwcli config run2start function
Syntax cwcli config run2start -u userid -p password [-d debuglevel] [-m email][-l logfile]{ -device list |
-view name | -device list -view name | -ipaddress list}[-config 1|2] [-input argumentFile][-timeout
seconds][-primary_user primary user name] [-primary_pass Base64 encoded primary password]
[-enable_pass Base64 encoded enable password]
cwcli config run2start -help
Description run2start overwrites the startup configuration of any device(s), specified by the -device and/or -view
argument, with its running configuration. You can specify multiple devices with the -device argument
by separating each device name with a comma or with the -input argument, which takes a file name as
an argument.
The contents of the file must be similar to those described in the Input List File Format section of cwcli
Name cwcli config start2run – CiscoWorks cwcli config start2run function
Syntax cwcli config start2run -u userid -p password [-d debuglevel] [-m email][-l logfile] { -device list |
-view name | -device list -view name |-ipaddress list } [-config 1|2] [-input argumentFile][-timeout
seconds] [-primary_user primary user name] [-primary_pass Base64 encoded primary password]
[-enable_pass Base64 encoded enable password]
cwcli config start2run -help
Description start2run merges the running configuration of any device(s), specified by the -device and/or -view
arguments, with its startup configuration to give a new running configuration. You can specify multiple
devices with the start2run argument by separating each device name with a comma or with the -input
argument, which takes a file name as an argument.
The contents of the file must be similar to those described in the Input List File Format section of cwcli