User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities
Where, NMSROOT is the CiscoWorks installed directory.
On Solaris:

Running cwcli export config

Using this command you can retrieve the configuration data in the XML format specified by the schema.
The Configlet Generator provides a wrapper over the existing Config Archive to retrieve configlets data
for the selected device. The exported data contains the entire running configuration data.
The command syntax for cwcli export config is:
cwcli export config{-u username -p password} [-d debuglevel] [-m mailid] [-l logfile] {-device
devicename | -input inputfilename | -view viewname | - ipaddress mgmt-ip-address}
Arguments in square brackets ([]) are optional; arguments in curly braces ({}) are required. You must
provide one argument from each group of arguments in curly braces ({}) that is separated by vertical
bars (|).
If you enter an argument which has space then use double quotes for that argument.
The following table describes the argument that is specific to
cwcli export config command. The other common arguments used by
cwcli export are explained in Using the cwcli export Command.
The output files depends on the number of devices specified. There are as many configuration XML
output files as the number of devices. The output files are created under this location on CiscoWorks
On Solaris:
On Windows:
Where NMSROOT is the CiscoWorks installed directory.

XML Schema for cwcli export config

The following is the schema used for exporting the configuration data in XML format.
Arguments Description
-s 1 Optional.
Displays the exported configuration file on the console.
If you use this command, you can specify only one device. You cannot export the
configuration files of multiple devices.
To export the configuration files of multiple devices, either make multiple requests
to the servlet, or get these files from the CiscoWorks server.
Usage of this option:
cwcli export config -u admin -p admin
-device -s 1