User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 3 Adding and Troubleshooting Devices Using Device Management
Understanding the RME Device States

Understanding the RME Device States

After adding devices in RME, you can check the state of the RME devices using Resource Manager
Essentials > Devices > Device Management option.
You can also view the RME devices state using the command line tool
cwcli inventory getdevicestate. See Overview: cwcli inventory Command.
Note View Permission Report (Common Services > Server > Reports) to check if you have the required
privileges to perform this task.
The RME devices can be in one of the following states:
In the Normal device state, the device has been successfully contacted by RME or the device has
contacted RME at least once (polling, successful job completion, Syslog receipt etc.). This indicates that
this is a real device in the network (at one point in time).
This state does not guarantee that we have had a successful Inventory and Configuration Collection.
See Working With Normal Devices for further details on Normal devices.
In the Pre-deployed device state, the device has never been contacted by RME through protocols such as
SNMP, Telnet, SSH, etc. If RME successfully contacts the device through the tasks such as Inventory
polling, Configuration polling receiving syslog messages, etc., the device will move to a Normal state.
The Pre-deployed device state, indicates that the devices are not in the network and are awaiting to be
See Working With Pre-deployed Devices for further details on Pre-deployed devices.
When you add a new device to RME, this device may already exist in RME, but with another hostname
or IP address. This device will be in the Alias state.
See Working With Alias Devices for further details on Alias devices.
When the device is added to RME, RME device management moves the device into this state, and
invokes all the registered application tasks such as Inventory Collection and Configuration collection.
Based on the results of the tasks, the device moves to one of these states—Pre-deployed, Normal or
The Pending state is a transient state and no device will be in this state for any significant time.
See Working With Pending Devices for further details on Pending devices.
Refresh Icon Click on this icon to refresh the RME device states.