User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities
get cwcli config get -u userid -p password
[-d debuglevel] [-m email] [-l
logfile][-timeout seconds] [-filetype
running|startup|runningstartup] { -device
list | -view name | -device list -view name
|-ipaddress list }
Creates a job that fetches the configuration from
the device and stores it in the archive.
import cwcli config import -u userid -p
password [-d debuglevel] [-m email] [-l
logfile][-timeout seconds] { -device
displayName |-ipaddress address } [-f
filename] [-save [-reboot]][-input
Creates a job that retrieves the configuration from
a file and transfers it to the device.
The job is added to the device running
configuration. It then polls Archive Management
at periodic intervals to get the job results and
display it.
Specify -input to operate on more than one
device. You cannot specify wildcards or more
than one device.
listversions cwcli config listversions -u userid -p
password [-d debuglevel] [-m email] [-l
logfile] { -device list | -view name |
-device displayName -viewname |
-ipaddress list} -baseline
Lists the versions of the configuration archived
for a device on the main branch or the Baseline
templates applicable to a device.
put cwcli config put -u userid -p password
[-d debuglevel] [-m email] [-l logfile] {
-device displayName |-ipaddress address
-version number}[-config 1|2][-save
[-reboot]] [-input
argumentFile][-timeout seconds]
[-filetype vlan|running][-primary_user
primary user name] [-primary_pass Base64
encoded primary password] [-enable_pass
Base64 encoded enable password]]
Creates a job that retrieves the configuration from
the configuration archive and pushes it to the
Specify -input to operate against more than one
device. You cannot specify wildcards or more
than one device.
You must specify a version.
reload cwcli config reload -u userid -p
password [-d debuglevel] [-m email][-l
logfile] { -device list | -view name |
-device list -view name |-ipaddress list
}[-input argumentFile][-timeout
seconds][-primary_user primary user
name] [-primary_pass Base64 encoded
primary password] [-enable_pass Base64
encoded enable password]
Creates a job that reboots devices. The
configuration loaded runs with the startup
run2start cwcli config run2start -u userid -p
password [-d debuglevel] [-m email][-l
logfile]{ -device list | -view name | -device
list -view name | -ipaddress list}[-config
1|2] [-input argumentFile][-timeout
seconds][-primary_user primary user
name] [-primary_pass Base64 encoded
primary password] [-enable_pass Base64
encoded enable password]
Creates a job that overwrites the startup
configuration of device with running
Specify multiple devices with -device argument
by separating each device name with comma or
with -input argument, which takes filename
containing the multiple devices as an argument.
Argument Syntax Notes