User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities
{-credType credentialList}Enter the device credentials for which you
want to create a job. You can use the
following arguments to view the different
credentials status:
0 —Enter 0 to view all credentials status.
1 — Enter 1 to view status for Read
2 — Enter 2 to view status for Write
3 — Enter 3 to view status for SNMP
version 3 username and password.
4 — Enter 4 to view status for Telnet
username and password.
5 — Enter 5 to view status for Telnet
username and password in Enable mode.
6 — Enter 6 to view status for SSH
username and password.
7 — Enter 7 to view status for SSH
username and password in Enable mode.
You can specify multiple arguments separated
by comma to check multiple credentials.
If you do not specify the credentials type, all
credentials status are displayed.
Command Argument for Inventory CDA stopjob
{-id Job ID}You can stop only one job at a time.
You can stop a CDA job that is in scheduled
as well as running state.
Use this command to stop an Inventory CDA
job that is scheduled.
cwcli inventory cda stopjob -u userid -p
password {-id jobID}
Command Argument for Inventory CDA deletejob and jobdetails
{-id Job IDs}You can delete more than one job at a time.
Enter the Job IDs that you want to delete,
separated by commas.
You can list the details of more than one job
at a time. Enter the Job IDs separated by
Inventory CDA deletejob command:
cwcli inventory cda deletejob -u userid
-p password {-id jobID1, jobID2..}
Inventory CDA jobdetails command:
cwcli inventory cda jobdetails -u userid
-p password {-id jobID1, jobID2..}
Argument Description Usage Notes