User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities

Example 8: Deleting cwcli inventory cda jobs using deletejob command

There are two jobs 1057 and 1058 scheduled. You can use this command to stop the two jobs.
cwcli inventory cda deletejob -u admin -p admin -id 1057,1058

Example 9: Getting details of jobs using cwcli inventory cda jobdetails command

There are two jobs 1001 and 1002 that are scheduled. You can use this command to list the details of
both the jobs:
cwcli inventory cda jobdetails -u admin -p admin -id 1001, 1002

Example 10: Listing the cda jobs based on the status using the listjobs command

cwcli inventory cda listjobs -u admin -p admin -jobstatus R, C
Use this command to list those jobs whose status is Running or Completed.

Example 11: Obtaining results of jobs using jobresults comand

There are two jobs 1023 and 1024 that are completed. You can use this command to save the results of
these jobs to the specified location.
cwcli inventory cda jobresult -u admin -p admin -jobid 1023, 1024 -csvoutput

Running the cwcli inventory crmexport Command

You can use this command to export RME device credentials in CSV or XML format.
The command syntax for cwcli inventory crmexport is:
cwcli inventory crmexport -u userid -p password [-d debuglevel] [-m email] [-l logfile] {-device
list | -view name | -device list -view name} [ipaddress list] {-filetype format | -filename outputfile}
Arguments in square brackets ([]) are optional; arguments in curly braces ({}) are required. You must
provide one argument from each group of arguments in curly braces ({}) that is separated by vertical
bars (|).
If you do not specify an optional argument, the default value configured for the system is used.