User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities
Performance Tuning Tool
• Perftune - Windows profile is applied to a system that has a Windows operating system, provided
the profile matches the required criteria.
• Perftune - Solaris profile is applied to a system that has a Solaris operating system, provided the
profile matches the required criteria.
See Profiles and PTT for more informationon criteria for a profile to match a system.
The parameters that can be tuned are:
Example 1
If the Perftune - Windows profile is applied to a system which already has a default profile applied, the
parameters are changed from the original values to new values. See Table 19-4 for Original and New
Example 2
If the default profile is applied to a system which already has a Perftune - Windows profile applied to it,
the parameters are rolled back to original values. See Table 19-3 for Original values..
PTT Commands
Table 19-5 lists the various PTT command options that you can use. These command options are
common for Windows and Solaris.
Ta b l e 19-4 Perftune - Windows and Perftune - Solaris Parameters
RME Sub system Parameters
Value Platform Supported
CDA CDA_MIN_THREADS 714 Windows and Solaris
EssentialsDM ConfigJobManager.heapsize 192m 256 Windows and Solaris
EssentialsDM EssentialsDMServiceHeapsize 256 512 Windows and Solaris
Inventory Collection snmp.threads.min 10 20 Windows and Solaris
Inventory Collection snmp.threads.max 15 25 Windows and Solaris
Inventory Collection ICS ThreadCount 10 20 Windows and Solaris
Inventory Collection ICS DBConnectionCount 510 Windows and Solaris
NetConfig and SyncArchive max_threads_for_config_fetch 510 Windows and Solaris
NetConfig and SyncArchive ThreadPoolCount 10 20 Windows and Solaris
NetConfig and SyncArchive CDLNumOfThreads 510 Windows and Solaris
NetConfig and SyncArchive max_db_connections 20 40 Windows and Solaris
Config Management (Config
Management Server Daemons -
dmgtd.conf Arguments for max
heap size.)
Xmx 192 256 Solaris
Config Management (Config
Management Server Daemons -
dmgtd.conf Arguments for
minimum heap size.)
Xms 64 128 Solaris