User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 12 Managing Software Images Using Software Management
Software Repository
Step 2 Click Add. Do not select any images from the Software Repository Management window.
The Image Source dialog box appears in the Add Images window.
Step 3 Click URL, and click Next.
The Add Image From URL dialog box appears.
Step 4 Enter the URL details.
For example: http://servername:portnumber/file_location
servername is the name of the server where the image resides.
portnumber is the http port number.
file_location is the image location on the server.
The web server must be running on the destination machine. You can use only HTTP URLs. The remote
server should not have any authentication.
Step 5 Click Next.
The Job Control Information dialog box appears.
Step 6 Enter the following information in the Job Control Information dialog box:
Field Description
Run Type You can specify when you want to run the Image Import (from URL) job.
To do this, select one of these options from the drop-down menu:
Immediate—Runs this job immediately.
Once—Runs this job once at the specified date and time.
Date If you have selected Once for Run Type, select the date and time (hours and minutes) to schedule.