User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities
The following table describes the arguments that are specific to cwcli inventory crmexport command.
The other common arguments used by cwcli export are explained in Using the cwcli inventory

Usage Examples for cwcli inventory crmexport Command

This section provides some examples of usage for the cwcli inventory crmexport command.

Example 1: Exporting device credentials of all RME devices in XML format

cwcli inventory crmexport -device % -filetype xml -filename crmexport-xml -u admin -p admin
======== Successful: Export: Success
The RME device credentials are exported into a file, crmexport-xml in XML format. The credentials that
are exported depends on the data that you have provided when you added the devices to Device
Credentials Repository.

Example 2: Exporting device credentials of all RME devices in Normal State in CSV format

cwcli inventory crmexport -view "/RME@ciscoworksservername/Normal Devices" -filetype csv
-filename crmexport-csv -u admin -p admin
Successful: Export: Success
The RME device credentials for devices that are in Normal state are exported into a file, crmexport-csv
in CSV version 3.0 format. The credentials that are exported depends on the data that you have provided
when you added the devices to Device Credentials Repository.
Argument Description Usage Notes
{-filetype format } -filetype format —Enter the file format to
export, either XML or CSV.
The default CSV file format version is 3.0.
{ -filename outputfile } -filename outputfile—Enter the filename. Mandatory.
Specifies the name of the file to which the
device credentials information is to be
exported on CiscoWorks server.
If you are using cwcli remotely (get or post
request), by default the output file is available
at this location on CiscoWorks server:
On Windows:
Where, NMSROOT is the CiscoWorks
installed directory.
On Solaris: