User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 4 Managing RME Device Groups Using Group Administration
Understanding the Grouping Rules
RME Group Attributes
The following table lists the available group attributes that you can use for defining the User Defined
Ta b l e 4-6 Group Attributes
Attribute Group Attribute Type Description
Asset Asset.CLE_Identifier CLE identifier of the asset.
Asset.Part_Number Orderable part number of the asset.
Asset.User_Defined_Identifier User-defined identifier of the asset
Chassis Chassis.Model_Name Name of the model.
Chassis.Number_Of_Slots Number of slots in that chassis.
Chassis.Port_Count Total port count of the chassis.
Chassis.Serial_Number Serial number of the chassis.
Chassis.Vendor_Type Type of vendor for the chassis.
Chassis.Version Version number of the chassis.
Flash Flash.File_Name Location of flash file.
Flash.File_Size Flash file size in MB.
Flash.Model_Name Model name of the flash device.
Flash.Partition_Free Free space in MB.
Flash.Partition_Name Flash partition name.
Flash.Partition_Size Flash partition size in MB.
Flash.Size Total flash device size in MB.
Image Image.ROM_Sys_Version System ROM software version
Image.ROM_Version Versi o n of ROM.
Image.Sys_Description Image system description
Image.Version Running Device image version.
IP Address IP.Address Device IP address.
IP.Address_Type Version of IP, IPv4 or IPv6
IP.Network_Mask Network Mask address
Memory Memory.Free Free memory in MB.
Memory.Name Name of the memory.
Memory.Size Total RAM size in MB.
Memory.Type Memory type.
Memory.Used Used memory in MB.
Module Module.HW_Version Module hardware version.
Module.Model_Name Name of the model.
Module.Port_Count Total ports on that module.
Module.Serail_Number Serial number of the module.
Module.Vendor_Type Type of vendor for the module.