User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities

Running the cwcli inventory cda Command

You can use this command to check the following device credentials:
SNMP Read Community String—SNMP version 2 read community string.
SNMP Write Community String—SNMP version 2 write community string.
SNMP Version 3—SNMP version 3 username and password.
Telnet—Telnet username and password.
Telnet Enable Mode User Name and Password—Telnet username and password in Enable mode.
SSH—SSH username and password.
SSH Enable Mode User Name and Password—SSH username and password in Enable mode.
You can update these credentials using Common Services > Device and Credentials > Device
The command syntax for cwcli inventory cda is:
cwcli inventory cda -u userid -p password {-invoke | -status} [-credType credTypeList] {-device
list | -view name | -device list -view name | ipaddress list} [-d debuglevel] [-m email] [-help] [-l
Arguments in square brackets ([]) are optional; arguments in curly braces ({}) are required. You must
provide one argument from each group of arguments in curly braces ({}) that is separated by vertical
bars (|).
[-d debug_level] Enter the debug level. Optional.
debug_level is a number between 1 (the least
information is sent to the debug output) and 5
(the most information is sent to the debug
output). If you do not specify this argument,
4(INFO) is the default debug level.
[-m email]Specify an e-mail address to send the results. Optional.
email is one or more e-mail addresses for
notification. They can be separated by a space
or comma.
[-l logfile]Specify a file to which this command has to
write log messages.
The default log filename is cli.log.
The default log directory is:
On Windows:
Where NMSROOT is the CiscoWorks
installed directory.
On Solaris:
Use the relative pathname to specify the
-help Displays command usage information None.
Argument Description Usage Notes