User Guide for Resource Manager Essentials 4.1
Chapter 19 CLI Utilities
-view Argument Usage
If both -device and -view are specified, the devices in that view and the devices specified against
-device are considered.
For example, assume that -view has two devices D1 and D2 and D3 is specified against -device, then
all the three devices D1, D2 and D3 are considered.
-view Argument Usage Examples:
Search for a device in a specified view:
cwcli config export -u admin -p admin -view myView -device myDevice
cwcli config Subcommand Man Pages
Each cwcli config command has a man page. You can access these man pages from the command line
of a CiscoWorks server installed on a UNIX system.
To view the man pages, add the path:
install_dir/CSCOpx/man to the MANPATH variable.
Then you can enter the command
man cwc- command
where command is the command name. For example, export.
This topic contains the man pages for the following cwcli config subcommands:
• compare
• comparewithbaseline
• compareanddeploy
• delete
• deploycomplianceresults
• export
• get
• import
• put
• reload
• run2start
• start2run
• write2run
• write2start
• listversions
• createdeployparamfile
• directbaselinedeploy