Chapter 3 Configuring Voice Service and Voicemail
Managing Voicemail
There are three groups of voicemail operations:
•Depositing voicemail
•Managing voicemail from a client station or from an external number
•Subscription to voicemail notification and receiving voicemail notification
SPA9000 assumes that a voicemail account can include more than one mailbox ID (MBID). The voicemail account is defined with a
Three parameters must be configured on the SPA9000 for each line to support these operations: <Mailbox Deposit URL>, <Mailbox Manager URL>, and <Mailbox Subscribe URL>.
Note The mailbox ID should be set to the extension number.
Voicemail service may be offered by a service provider different from the ITSP. For example, you can configure Line 1, 2, and 3 with accounts on an ITSP, but configure Line 4 an account with a different Internet voicemail service provider (IVMSP). The SPA9000 can be configured to bridge calls between the ITSP and the IVMSP when necessary (when depositing or checking voicemail by an external caller) using the <VMSP Bridge> parameter on each line interface.
How Voicemail Works
When a user checks voicemail from a client station, the SPA9000 sends an INVITE on its behalf to the configured <Mailbox Manage URL>. For example:
INVITE sip:mailbox-manage-url SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
From: <sip:37683102@sip.myitsp.com>;tag=300704dd2590d20bo2;ref=5031;mbid=53371
CSeq: 101 INVITE
Contact: <sip:37683102@> Ö
Here the client station is at extension 5031 and the mailbox ID is 53371. The voicemail server should then prompt the caller to enter a PIN and access the voicemail features for the given mailbox.
A user should also be able to call an external number explicitly from anywhere to retrieve voicemails. When the voicemail server receives such a call, it should prompt the caller to enter the mailbox ID and then the PIN number. If the
Note If an
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| Document Version 3.01 |
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