Chapter 3 Configuring Voice Service and Voicemail
SPA400 Voicemail Options
SPA400 Voicemail Options
The following list the options that the voicemail user enters on the telephone keypad for each option in the voicemail system provided by the SPA400.
Note The VM button on SPA900 Series IP phones provides direct access to the SPA400 voicemail system. Press * to return to the Main Menu.
1Access new message(s)
3 Access Advanced options
1 send a reply
3 heard the message envenlop (time and caller)
5 send a VM message
7 undelete the message
*return to the Main Menu 5 repeat current message
3 advanced option
5 repeat
7 delete
8 forward
9 save
2Change folders; change to which folder 0 New messages
1 Old message
2 Work messages
3 Family messages
4 Friend messages
# Cancel
3Advanced options
5 Send a VM message
* Return to main menu
6Next message
8Forward to another user
9Save message: which folder 0 New message
1 Old message
2 Work messages
3 Family messages
4 Friends message
# Cancel
0 Mail box options
1Record unavailable message
2Record busy message
3Record name
4Change password
5Login again
# Exit
Managing Voicemail
On the SPA9000, accessing a voicemail server to check or deposit voicemail is similar to calling an external number, or being call forwarded to an external number. Each line interface can use a different voicemail server.
| Linksys SPA9000 Administrator Guide |
Document Version 3.01 |