Chapter 6 SPA9000 Field Reference
Internal Music Source Parameters
Field | Description | |
| |
Internal Music URL | URL from which to download a music file to be used by the parking lot. The format is: | |
| ||
| TFTP is the only protocol supported for music download. Default port is 69. Changing | |
| the value of this parameter from the web interface triggers a graceful reboot of the | |
| SPA9000. If a valid entry is specified, the SPA9000 attempts to download the file on | |
| bootup and store the samples in flash memory. The SPA9000 remembers the link where | |
| the stored file is downloaded and does not try to download again on the next reboot. | |
| The music samples are encoded in G711u format at 8000 samples/second. The file should | |
| not contain any extra header information. Maximum length of the file is 65.536 seconds | |
| (524288 bytes). | |
| |
Internal Music Script | Script that tells the SPA9000 how to play the downloaded music file, in the format | |
| [section[,section[,…]]], where: | |
| • | section = [[n](start/end[/pause])][pause2] |
| • n = number of times to repeat the section before moving to the next section. Default | |
| is 1. |
| • start/end = starting and 1+ending sample for this section; note that samples are | |
| numbered from 0 to |
| end of the file is intended as the ending sample. Default start is 0, and default end is |
| end of the file. |
| • pause = number of samples to pause after the ending sample is played. Default is 0. | |
| • pause2 = additional number of samples to pause after the entire n repetitions of the | |
| section are played. Default is 0. |
| A maximum of 16 sections can be specified. Samples should be encoded in G711u format | |
| at 8000 samples/second. When all sections are played, the SPA9000 replays from the first | |
| section again. | |
| Examples: | |
| • 40000 (plays the entire file, pauses for 5s, then repeats) | |
| • | |
| |
Internal Music Refresh Intvl | Specifies the interval in seconds between refreshing an internal music session. | |
| The default is is 0, which disables session refreshes. | |
| |
Internal Music LBR Codec | Selects one low | |
| music. Choices are {none, G729a, | |
| The default is is none. | |
| |
Internal Music Preferred Codec | Selects which codec is the preferred choice to play internal music. Choices are {G711u, | |
| G711a, Low Bit Rate}. Low Bit Rate refers to the selected <Internal Music LBR Codec>. | |
| If <Internal Music LBR Codec> is none, G711u is the preferred codec also. | |
| The default is is G711u. | |
| Linksys SPA9000 Administrator Guide |
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| Document Version 3.01 |
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