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The FETCh? queries are part of the measurement instruction set. They return the signal characteristic from the last initiated measurement, as specified by the <measure function> part of the query header.

An initiate command must precede a FETCh? query. The initiate command may be given either explicitly as INITiate[:IMMediate] command, or explicitly by a READ? or MEASure? query. When the acquisition is still in progress, the response to a FETCh? query does not become available until the acquisition is completed. In such a case, no error is reported. Execution of INITiate[:IMMediate] and FETCh? is equivalent to the execution of the READ? query.

A FETCh? query may also return a signal characteristic from a valid acquisition result that is stored in a TRACe memory element.

Example: Send FETCh:AC? (@M2_3) Fetches AC- RMS of the M2_3 trace.

A FETCh? query allows the same parameter sets as the corresponding MEASure? and CONFigure instructions. Their use distinguishes from these instructions in that they only serve to specify the desired result from a FETCh? query. They don’t affect the instrument settings. They may also be sent for reasons of compatibility with a preceding CONFigure or READ? instruction.

When the <measure_function> part of the FETCh? query header is defaulted, the characteristic as specified by the last executed FETCh?, READ?, or MEASure query is returned. When such a query is not executed since the last power on cycle, the measure function VOLTage:DC is assumed by the oscilloscope.

The default :VOLTage node specifies that the requested characteristic relates to the voltage component of the signal. For example, the rise time or the frequency of the voltage.


(1)A FETCh? query may be executed only when the oscilloscope is in the digital mode (INStrument:SELect DIGital). The digital mode is selected after

*RST. Executing this query when the instrument is in the analog mode generates execution error -221,"Settings conflict; Digital mode required".

(2)A FETCh? query may not operate on a TRACe memory element that has been modified since the last executed INItiate[:IMMediate], READ?, or MEASure? command. Otherwise execution error -230,"Data corrupt or stale" is generated.

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Fluke PM-3380B, PM-3390B, PM-3370B, PM-3394B, PM-3384B user manual Restrictions