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Syntax: HCOPy:DATA?

Response: <indefinite_block>


This query returns a data block of indefinite length containing a hardcopy of the picture on the oscilloscope display, according to the current printer/plotter selections. These selections can be made through the UTIL - PRINT & PLOT softkey menu options. The received data block can be sent to a supported plotter or printer via the IEEE bus or the EIA-232-D (RS-232-C) interface to get the hardcopy. If the oscilloscope is in the analog mode, error -221 "Settings conflict;Digital mode required" is generated.

Refer to the HCOPy:DEVice command for a list of supported printers and plotters, of which two special selection possibilities:


If this is selected, a plotter independent HPGL data block is sent,


which can be used, for instance, in a Desk Top Publishing



DUMP_M1 This selects a special trace dump to be used in combination with one of the generators PM5138, PM5139, or PM5150 connected to the CombiScope via GPIB. This option can only be started by pressing the PLOT key on the front panel; not by sending the HCOPy:DATA? query. Also the controller must be disconnected from the GPIB and the generator must be in its "listen only" (LO) mode.

After a *RST command, the option "HPGL" is selected.


Prepare for hardcopy to a HPGL plotter.

Send *RST

Selects HPGL-plotter.


Queries for screen hardcopy data.

Read <data_block>

Reads the hardcopy data block.

Send <hardcopy_data>

<data_block> = #0<hardcopy_data>NL

Sends the hardcopy data block to the connected


HPGL plotter.

The preamble #0 (for indefinite length block data) at the beginning of the data block must not be sent.

Front panel compliance:

The HCOPy:DATA? query is the remote equivalent of the PLOT key on the front panel.

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Fluke PM-3394B, PM-3380B, PM-3390B, PM-3370B, PM-3384B user manual HCOPyDATA?