4 - 87


Syntax: SENSe:VOLTage<n>[:DC]:RANGe:OFFSet <NRf>

MINimum MAXimum


[1] 2 3 4


Note: Channel 3 and 4 not applicable for PM33x0B.


The vertical offset for channel <n> in volts.


Selects the minimum possible vertical offset.


Selects the maximum possible vertical offset.

Query form: SENSe:VOLTage<n>[:DC]:RANGe:OFFSet?

[ MINimum MAXimum]

Response: <NR3>


The vertical offset for channel <n> in volts.

If MINimum was specified, the minimum possible value is returned.

If MAXimum was specified, the maximum possible value is returned.


Controls the vertical offset for an input channel. The vertical offset for channel <n> is expressed in volts. If a detectable probe is attached, the offset value is considered to be at the probe tip, otherwise at the BNC plug.

After a *RST command, the vertical offset for each channel is zero.

Coupled values:

The range of the offset value is directly coupled to the range of the vertical sensitivity per division (SENSe:VOLTage<n>:RANGe:PTPeak).



Send SENSe:VOLTage2:RANGe:OFFSet 1E-1

Sets 100 mV offset for


channel 2.

Front panel compliance:

The SENSe:VOLTage<n>:RANGe:OFFSet command is the remote equivalent of the front panel POS knobs.

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Image 187
Fluke PM-3370B, PM-3380B, PM-3390B, PM-3394B, PM-3384B user manual SENSeVOLTagenDCRANGeOFFSet, Channel