4 - 113


Syntax: TRACe:POINts <source_trace> [,<acquisition_length>]

Alias: DATA:POINts <source_trace> [,<acquisition_length>]


CHn Mi_n


n = 1 .. 4


i = 1 .. 8 (standard memory)


i = 1 .. 50 (extended memory)


<NRf> MINimum MAXimum


512 2048 4096 8192


(standard memory)


512 8192 16384 32768


(extended memory)


Notes: - 512 is the default value.


Length becomes 512 points.


Length becomes 8192, if no extended


memory is available.


Length becomes 32768, if extended


memory is available.

Query form: TRACe:POINts? <source_trace> [,MINimum MAXimum]


CHn Mi_n


n = 1 .. 4


i = 1

.. 8 (standard memory)


i = 1

.. 50 (extended memory)

If MINimum was specified, the minimum possible trace length is returned.

If MAXimum was specified, the maximum possible trace length is returned.

Response: <acquisition_length>

Page 213
Image 213
Fluke PM-3394B, PM-3380B, PM-3390B, PM-3370B, PM-3384B user manual TRACePOINts