Chapter 4 Command Reference

:CALibration Subsystem

:CALibration:SECurity Subtree

This subtree provides capabilities related to the security of the Counter’s calibration factors.

Note, early versions of the Counter do not support any of the :CALibration:SECurity commands.

:CALibration:SECurity:CODE <NRf>

Sets the calibration security code .


To change the security code, the Counter must first be unsecured.


To unsecure the Counter, use the :CALibration:SECurity:STATe command.

<NRf> Range

0 to 9999999

<NRf> Resolution



∙ No query.


∙ The calibration code is stored in non-volatile memory, and is unaffected by


power-on, save/recall, and *RST.


Scale & Offset / POWER (Calibration Menu)





:CALibration:SECurity:STATe <Boolean>, <NRf>

Sets and queries the calibration security state .


To unsecure for calibration, specify OFF with the present security code. When the


Counter is unsecure, any calibration can be performed.


To secure against calibration, specify ON with the present security code. When


the Counter is secure, no calibration can or will be performed (except for


interpolator calibration).

<NRf> Range

0 to 9999999

<NRf> Resolution


Query Response

∙ Single ASCII-encoded byte, 0 or 1.



∙ A value of 0 indicates the Counter is unsecure; a value of 1 indicates the


Counter is secure.


Programming Guide

Page 194
Image 194
HP 132A, 53131A manual CALibrationSECurity Subtree, CALibrationSECurityCODE NRf, CALibrationSECuritySTATe Boolean, NRf