Chapter 4 Command Reference


If the current measurement is Totalize or Voltage Peaks, Not a Number 9.91E37 is returned and error -221 is generated.

Comments ∙ Query only.

The last calculated result remains valid until a new computation is made or a relevant instrument state is modified.

:CALCulate3:FEED “[:]CALCulate[1]”

Sets or queries the data flow to be fed into the CALCulate3 block.

Query Response The string “CALC” is returned.

Comments *RST: “CALCulate[1]”



:CALCulate3:LFILter Subtree



This subtree collects together the commands used to specify which measurements



will be used in computing statistics; out-of-limit measurements can be filtered out



of the statistics processing.


Not until :CALCulate3:LFILter:STATe is set to ON will any of the





:CALCulate3:LFILter settings be used.




:CALCulate3:LFILter:LOWer[:DATA] <numeric_value> [HZ S DEG]

Sets or queries the statistics filter lower limit.


If limit filtering is enabled (:CALC3:LFIL:STAT ON), any measurements below


this value will not be combined into the statistics computation.


If math is enabled (:CALC:MATH:STATe ON), the limit value specified should


take into account that the filtering is on measurements that have been scaled and




-9.9999990000E+12 to -1.0000000000E-13, 0.0000000000, +1.0000000000E-


13 to +9.9999990000E+12.


11 digits



Programming Guide


Page 189
Image 189
HP 53131A, 132A CALCulate3FEED CALCulate1, CALCulate3LFILter Subtree, CALCulate3LFILterLOWerDATA numericvalue HZ S DEG