Chapter 4 Command Reference

:SYSTem Subsystem

:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:TRANsmit:PARity[:TYPE] EVEN


Query Response


Sets or queries the parity scheme.

A sequence of ASCII-encoded bytes: EVEN, ODD, or NONE

This value is stored in non-volatile memory. It is unaffected by power-on, save/recall, and *RST.

If parity is enabled, the Counter sends/receives 7 data bits plus 1 parity bit. If parity is disabled, the Counter sends/receives 8 data bits.

Related Utility/POWER




Query Response


Queries the oldest error in the Error Queue and removes that error from the queue (first in, first out).

See page 5-2 in Chapter 5, “Errors,” for detailed error information

The response is in the following form: <error_number>, “<error_description>”.

The <error_number> is an integer in the range [-32768, 32767]. The negative error numbers are defined by the SCPI standard; positive error numbers are particular to this Counter. An error number value of zero indicates that the Error Queue is empty.

The maximum length of the <error_description> is 255 characters.

The queue is cleared (emptied) on *CLS, power-on, or upon reading the last error from queue.

If the Error Queue overflows, the last error in the queue is replaced with the error -350, “Queue overflow”. Any time the queue overflows, the least recent errors remain in the queue and the most recent error is discarded. The maximum length of the Error Queue is 30.

This query clears any displayed error message from the front-panel display.

The Error Queue is unaffected by *RST and save/recall.

:SYSTem:KEY <numeric_value>


Programming Guide

Page 282
Image 282
HP 132A, 53131A manual SYSTemCOMMunicateSERialTRANsmitPARityTYPE Even, ODD None, SYSTemERRor?, SYSTemKEY numericvalue