Chapter 4 Command Reference

[:SENSe] Subsystem

[:SENSe]:TINTerval Subtree (HP 53132A With S/N Prefix 3646 and Above)

This subtree controls the time interval (including Time Interval, Risetime, Falltime, Duty Cycle, and Pulse Width functions) measuring capabilities of the instrument . Refer to page 4-95, for Time Interval arming capabilities of the HP 53131A (and the HP 53132A with a serial number prefix below 3646).

[:SENSe]:TINTerval:ARM:ESTART and :ESTOP Subtrees(HP 53132A With S/N Prefix 3646 and Above)

These subtrees are used to synchronize the time interval start and stop arm with events.

The following table defines the valid combinations of start/stop arming for Time Interval only. HP recommends that SCPI programs issue arming commands in the order shown in the following table ; that is, from left to right, beginning with setting up ESTART and concluding by setting up ESTOP arming.


Programming Guide