Chapter 4 Command Reference


Comments *RST: ON

This value is unaffected by save/recall.

While the Counter is configured to ON, representative CW signal(s) must be present at the measurements input(s).

The ON setting causes the Counter to disregard any previously set “expected frequency” ([:SENS]:FREQ:EXP[123]).

The only mechanism for disabling the above described pre-measurement step is to specify an expected frequency with [:SENS]:FREQ:EXP[123].

[:SENSe]:FUNCtion[:ON] <sensor_function>

Sets or queries the <sensor_function> to be sensed by the Counter.

The <sensor_function> strings are :

“[:][XNONe:]DCYCle [1]” or

“[:][XNONe:]PDUTycycle [1]” “[:][XNONe:]FALL:TIME [1] ”


“[:][XNONe:]FTIMe [1]” “[:][XNONe:]FREQuency [123] ” “[:][XNONe:]FREQuency:RATio [ 1,2 1,3 2,1 3,1 ] ” “[:][XNONe:]NWIDth [1]”

“[:][XNONe:]PERiod [123] ” “[:][XNONe:]PHASe [1,2]” “[:][XNONe:]PWIDth [1]” “[:][XNONe:]TINTerval [1,2]” “[:][XNONe:]TOTalize [1]” “[:][XNONe:]RISE:TIME [1]”


“[:][XNONe:]RTIMe [1]” “[:][XNONe:]VOLTage:MAXimum [12] ” “[:][XNONe:]VOLTage:MINimum [12] ” “[:][XNONe:]VOLTage:PTPeak [12] ”

Programming Guide


Page 255
Image 255
HP 53131A, 132A manual SENSeFUNCtionON sensorfunction, Comments ∙ *RST on