Chapter 4 Command Reference



This query returns the measurement taken by the :INITiate (or :MEASure query or :READ?) commands.

When [:SCALar]:<function> is specified, the instrument will retrieve the specified result if it matches the current measurement type or can be derived from the current measurement type. The only functions which can be derived from a different measurement type are:

frequency to/from period,

voltage minimum to/from voltage maximum,

voltage minimum to/from voltage peak-to-peak, and

voltage maximum to/from voltage peak-to-peak.

When [:SCALar]:<function> is omitted, the function specified/used by the last :CONFigure, :MEASure, :READ, or FETCh will be used,

if possible. This behavior is apparent when switching between frequency and period, or when switching among the voltage peaks functions.

Issuing this query while a measurement is in progress has the effect of holding off further commands from being processed until the measurement completes. This hold-off action can only be canceled by the measurement completing, Device Clear, or power-on.

Query Response ∙ Result will be formatted according to :FORMat[:DATA] ASCii REAL setting.

When ASCii format is used, numeric data is transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR3> format. The number of significant digits will range from 1 to 15, depending on the measurement resolution.

If no valid results exists, Not a Number 9.91E37 is returned and error -230 is generated.

If :FETCh? is executed while an automatically armed Totalize measurement is in progress, Not a Number 9.91E37 is returned and error -221 is generated. :ABORt should be used to terminate the measurement and avoid this error.

Programming Guide
