Chapter 4 Command Reference


:CALCulate[1]:IMMediate:AUTO <Boolean>

Query Response


Sets or queries whether post-processing (recalculation) will automatically occur whenever any changes are made to the :CALCulate[12] subsystems.

With :CALC:IMM:AUTO set to OFF, :CALCulate[12] only produces new results when new SENSe data is acquired or when the :CALCulate:IMMediate command is received.

Once :CALC:IMM:AUTO is set to ON, the CALCulate[12] subsystems produce new results when any CALCulate[12] command is processed, even when new SENSe data is not being acquired.

This allows the user to make configuration changes in the CALCulate[12] subsystems and immediately have new CALCulate[12] results on the same SENSe data.

Single ASCII-encoded byte, 0 or 1.

A value of 0 indicates OFF; a value of 1 indicates ON.


This command affects all of the post-processing subsystems settings (:CALC:IMM:AUTO).

Note that the Counter powers up with :CALC:IMM:AUTO set to ON, but *RST sets it to OFF.

:CALCulate[1]:MATH Subtree

This subtree collects together the commands related to math (scale/offset) processing. See the :TRACe subsystem for commands used to set the scale and offset.

Many of these commands are query-only because the Counter has only one fixed math operation.


Queries defined equation name.

Query Response The string “SCALE_OFFSET ” is returned.

Comments Query only.

Programming Guide


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Image 175
HP 53131A, 132A manual CALCulate1IMMediateAUTO Boolean, CALCulate1MATH Subtree, CALCulate1MATHEXPRessionCATalog?