
:INPut3:IMPedance?, 4-50 :MEASure, 4-51

:MEMory, 4-79 :MEMory:DELete:MACRo, 4-79 :MEMory:FREE:MACRo?, 4-79 :MEMory:NSTates?, 4-79

:STATus, 4-107 :STATus:OPERation, 4-107 :STATus:PRESet, 4-110 :STATus:QUEStionable, 4-110

:SYSTem, 4-114 :SYSTem:COMMunicate, 4-114 :SYSTem:ERRor?, 4-116 :SYSTem:KEY, 4-117 :SYSTem:KEY:LOG?, 4-118 :SYSTem:VERSion?, 4-118

:TRACe, 4-119 :TRACe:CATalog?, 4-119 :TRACe[:DATA] OFFSET,

4-119 :TRACe[\:DATA] SCALE,


:TRIGger, 4-121 :TRIGger:TRIGger:COUNt:AUTO, 4-


[:SENSe] [:SENSe]:DATA?, 4-80 [:SENSe]:EVENt[12], 4-80 [:SENSe]:EVENt3, 4-84 [:SENSe]:FREQuency, 4-85 [:SENSe]:FREQuency

:EXPected[123], 4-88 [:SENSe]:FREQuency

:EXPected[123]:AUTO ON, 4-88 [:SENSe]:FUNCtion[:ON], 4-89 [:SENSe]:PHASe, 4-91 [:SENSe]:ROSCillator, 4-92 [:SENSe]:TINTerval, 4-95, 4-98 [:SENSe]:TOTalize, 4-104

Measurement Instructions, 4-52 :CONFigure, 4-53, 4-54 :CONFigure?, 4-54 :FETCh?, 4-55 :MEASure query, 4-56 :READ?, 4-57

Descriptions of the Measurement

Functions— <function>, 4-60 How to Use the Measurement

Instruction Commands, 4-75

4-11 suffix

elements, 3-12 multiplers, 3-13

suffix, multipler, 3-13 suffixes, 3-12 summary bits, 3-21 synchronizing measurements, 3-46 syntax

program messages, 3-14 response messages, 3-16


terminator command, 3-13

throughput, 3-35

time interval, 4-73, 4-89, 4-95, 4-98 totalize, 4-73, 4-74, 4-89, 4-104 transition filter, 3-28

negative, 4-112 positive, 4-113

trigger, 4-84 device, 4-124

levels, 2-5, 2-6, 4-82, 4-83 sensitivity, 2-5, 2-6, 4-81 slope, 2-5, 2-6, 4-84

trigger command, 4-141 trigger events, 4-80 Turbo C, using, 3-59


Unaffected by *RST, 2-43 units, 3-12

unsecure, 4-28

using internal reference status bit, 3-30, 3- 31

using the scale and offset over HP-IB, 3-50


V, 3-12

version, SCPI, 4-118 voltage

maximum, 4-89 minimum, 4-89

voltage maximum, 4-66 voltage minimum, 4-66


writing programs, general, 3-55


x1, 4-48 x10, 4-48

Index- 6

Programming Guide

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Image 326
HP 132A, 53131A manual TRACe\DATA Scale 120