Chapter 4 Command Reference



Queries the total Pass COunt (that is, the number of measurements that passed the limit test).

Query Response ∙ Numerical data transferred as ASCII bytes in <NR1> format.

If CALC2:LIM:STATe is OFF, 0 is returned and error -221 is generated.

If no valid result exists, 0 is returned and error -230 is generated.

If the current measurement is Totalize or Voltage Peaks, 0 is returned and error -221 is generated.

Comments Query only.

:CALCulate2:LIMit:STATe <Boolean>

Query Response





Sets or queries the limit test enable .

Single ASCII-encoded byte, 0 or 1.

A value of 0 indicates OFF; a value of 1 indicates ON.


When :CALC2:LIM:STAT OFF is sent, it causes the Counter to:

Invalidate the limit data and clear the information in :CALC2:LIM:FAIL, :CALC2:LIM:FCOunt, and :CALC2:LIM:PCOunt.

Turn off the front-panel display’s Limit annunciator.

Set the Limit-Detect output to the in-limit voltage level.

Limit Modes

Programming Guide


Page 183
Image 183
HP 53131A CALCulate2LIMitPCOuntTOTal?, CALCulate2LIMitSTATe Boolean, Query Response Comments Related Front-Panel Keys