Chapter 3 Programming Your Universal Counter for Remote Operation

Command Settings for Optimizing Throughput

Set reference oscillator to non-auto state (internal or external):

[:SENSe]:ROSCillator:SOURce INTernal EXTernal (See Note below.)

Disable checking of external source if using external reference oscillator:

[:SENSe]:ROSCillator:EXTernal:CHECk OFF (See Note below.)

Disable automatic interpolator calibration: :DIAGnostic:CALibration:INTerpolator:AUTO OFF (See Note below.)

Disable display:

:DISPlay:ENABle OFF (See Note below.)

Disable printing:


Disable post-processing (math, limit testing, statistics):



:CALCulate3:AVERage[:STATe] OFF

Specify expected frequency for Frequency, Period, Ratio, Phase, and Duty Cycle measurements:

[:SENSe]:FREQuency:EXPected[123] <numeric_value> [HZ]

(See Note below.)

Specify ASCII format for result query responses:


Specify continuous measurements:

:INITiate:CONTinuous ON

Configure the read/fetch function memory:

Issue the following query and read the response.



Note: This value is not stored on Save and is not part of the non-volatile state.

Typical Optimizing Throughput Results for Different Computers


Programming Guide

Page 104
Image 104
HP 132A, 53131A manual Command Settings for Optimizing Throughput, SENSeROSCillatorEXTernalCHECk OFF See Note below