Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Test Procedures Chapter 7
GPIB-1014 User Manual 7-6 © National Instruments Corporation
00A MTC0 = 0001 one byte
004 DCR0 = A0
005 OCR0 = 82
006 SCR0 = 0
000 CSR0 = FF
040 CSR1 = FF
045 OCR1 = 0
029 MFC0 = 06
00C MAR0 = daddr 4-byte data address
daddr= 0 clear data location
101 CFG1 = 19 BRG3*, IN, enable ROR feature
11B AUXMR = 2 TLC Reset
119 ADMR = C0 ton,lon
007 CCR0 = 80 Start channel 0
115 IMR2 = 10 DMA in enable
11B AUXMR = 0 Immediate execute pon
113 ISR1 = 02? wait for DI cleared before writing a byte to TLC
Data In Register
111 DIR = 55 send data to TLC, DIR is full, TLC request for a
DMA transfer to put the byte in DIR to memory
000 CSR0 = 81? DMA channel finished (COC)
040 CSR1 = 02? GPIB synchronized (PCL)
113 ISR1 = 02? DIR is empty, DI is cleared
daddr= 55? verify data has been transferred from TLC to
101 CFG1 = 18 clear GPIB synchronization detecting circuitry, also
to pull PCL1 high
040 CSR1 = 02 clear PCT bit in CSR1
040 CSR1 = 01? PCT bit cleared, PCL1 high
13. Test DMA transfer (flyby) to GPIB, one byte, memory read, use the Carry Cycle feature.
Addresses 3000 to 300E are used for this test, other locations may be used if required.
3000 data = 0102 two data bytes (01 and 02) to be transferred on
Channel 0
3002 data = 0306 data byte (03) and CC byte (06=SEOI) to be
transferred on Channel 1
3004 data = 0000 define carry cycle array's first entry
3006 data = 3003 4-byte address of carry cycle byte (00003003)
3008 data = 0001 first entry's transfer count (0001)
300A data = 0000 define carry cycle array's second entry
300C data = 3002 4-byte address of last data byte (00003002)
300E data = 0002 second entry's transfer count (0002)
105 CFG2 = 0A Set LMR and turn LED green
105 CFG2 = 08 Clear LMR
101 CFG1 = 1C BRG3*, OUT, CC, enable ROR feature
004 DCR0 = A0
044 DCR1 = A0