Appendix F Mnemonics Key
© National Instruments Corporation F-5 GPIB-1014 User Manual
DEN* LS Data Enable
DET B Device Execute Trigger Bit
DET IE B Enable Interrupt on Device Execute Trigger Bit
DHDC B DAC Holdoff on DCAS
DHDT B Data Accepted Holdoff on Device Trigger Active State Bit
DI B Data In Bit
DI [7-0] B Data In Bits 7 through 0
DI IE B Enable Interrupt on Data In Bit
DIO[1-8] GS GPIB Data Lines 1 through 8
DIR R Data In Register
DL B Disable Listener Bit
DL0 B Disable Listener 0 Bit
DL1 B Disable Listener 1 Bit
DMA SF Direct Memory Access
DMAI B DMA Input Enable Bit
DMAO B DMA Out Enable Bit
DO B Data Out Bit
DO IE B Enable Interrupt on Data Out Bit
DS0* VBS Data Strobe Zero
DS1* VBS Data Strobe One
DT F Device Trigger
DT B Disable Talker Bit
DT0 B Disable Talker 0 Bit
DT1 B Disable Talker 1 Bit
DTACK* VBS Data Transfer Acknowledge
DTAS ST Device Trigger Active State
DTIS ST Device Trigger Idle State
END IE B Enable Interrupt on End Received Bit
END RX B End Received Bit
EOI B End or Identify Bit
EOI RM End or Identify
EOI OE LM GPIB EOI Signal Output Enable
EOS RM End of String
EOS [7-0] B End of String Bits 7 through 0
EOSR R End of String Register
ERR B Error Bit
ERR RM Error
ERR IE B Enable Interrupt on Error Bit
EV* LS Enable Vector