© National Instruments Corporation Index-12 GPIB-1014 User Manual
LMR (Local Master Reset Bit), 4-67
Local Unlisten command
codes for, 4-28
description, 4-32
LOK (Lockout Bit), 4-16
LOKC (Lockout Change Bit), 4-17
LOKC IE (Lockout Change Interrupt Enable Bit), 4-17
lon (Listen Only Bit), 4-22
LPAS (Listener Primary Addressed State Bit), 4-20
MM0 (Program/Data Access Bit), 4-50
M1 (Standard/Short Addressing Bit), 4-50
M2 (Supervisor/User Access Bit), 4-50
MAC (Memory Address Count Bits 3 through 2), 4-55
MAR. See Memory Address Register (MAR).
master-direct memory access, VMEbus, 2-5 to 2-6
Memory Address Register (MAR), 4-48
Memory Transfer Counter Register (MTCR), 4-48
multiline interface command messages, D-1 to D-2
types of, E-1
MJMN (Major-Minor Bit), 4-21
MLA (My Listen Address) command, 4-26
mnemonics for registers
alphabetical list with definitions, F-1 to F-9
clues to understanding, 4-3
MSA,PPD (My Secondary Address or Parallel Poll Disable) command, 4-26
MSA,PPE (My Secondary Address or Parallel Poll Enable) command, 4-26
MTA (My Talk Address) command, 4-26
MTCR. See Memory Transfer Counter Register (MTCR).
multiline GPIB commands (table), 4-25 to 4-26, D-2 to D-3
µPD7210 interface registers, 2-3
NNDAC (not data accepted) signal, E-3
NDT (Normal Device Termination Bit), 4-58
Non-Valid Secondary Command or Address command
codes for, 4-28
description, 4-30
NRFD (not ready for data) signal, E-2