Register Descriptions Chapter 4
GPIB-1014 User Manual 4-54 © National Instruments Corporation
10 = Array Chaining
11 = Linked Chaining
Bit Mnemonic Description
In most GPIB applications, either no chaining or array chaining is
used. See Chapter 5 for details.
1-0r/w REQG DMA Request Generation Bits 1 through 0
The DMA Request Generation method bits define how requests for
transfers are generated. For the GPIB-to-memory DMA transfers, the
request mode is always 10 (the REQ line initiates an operand transfer).
For memory-to-memory transfers, automatic request mode must be
00 = Automatic request at a rate limited by the General Control
Register (GCR).
01 = Automatic request at maximum rate.
10 = REQ line initiates an operand transfer.
11 = Automatic request the first operand, external request the
remaining operands.